Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Full Coaching Scholarships Just Announced For Newer Agents

Agents under 2 years in the business: Do you believe you can be ‘best of the best’, brightest of the brightest—that future super-star—but you just need a boost in the right direction? Is this challenging market showing you more than you thought it took to succeed? If this is you, we’ve been looking for you!

Managers: Do you have a great newer agent (under 2 years) who you would like to support by nominating him or her for a full coaching scholarship?

The Up and Running Small Group Full Scholarship

During the first three weeks of March, we’re taking applications for 5 full scholarships we will be awarding to five fortunate agents under 2 years in the business. This is a $795 value—and we’re doing it to give back to our industry—and help those best and brightest succeed at the highest level—fastest. The scholarship includes 12 coaching sessions with a professional real estate coach, plus $470 worth of training materials and services.

Click here to read the full description of our Up and Running Small Group Coaching program.

To Win a Full Scholarship

  1. Complete the application (click here) and email it to us by March 21, 2008 (must be complete to be considered). The application includes the scholarship guidelines.
  2. Your broker must also nominate you by completing this nomination form (click here) also by March 21, 2008. The nomination form includes the scholarship guidelines.

The 10 finalists will be chosen and personally interviewed (both the agent and the nominating broker) by our coaches and Carla Cross by March 26, when winners will be announced via email. Your coaching program will start the week of April 14, 2008, so you must be available to be coached starting that week.

Click here to read the rules of Small Group Coaching's Scholarships

Partial Scholarship Finalists

Only 5 great newer agents can win, but, even the 5 non-full-scholarship finalists will receive a $100 scholarship from Carla Cross Coaching when they register for the 12-week program (Regularly $795, a $100 reduction).

Brokers: You Win, Too!

If one of the agents you nominate is chosen as one of 10 finalists, any other agents you register into the program prior to April 15, 2008 (to take part in the programs beginning either April 15 or May 1, 2008) will receive a tuition reduction of $100 (they will register for $695 instead of $795). What a great recruiting tool you can offer agents thinking of joining! So, start recruiting right now!

Don’t hesitate. Complete your application NOW.

Brokers: This is your opportunity to provide the kind of support your agents love from you, and see additional sales and profits from those new agents.

Don’t hesitate. Complete your application NOW.

Brokers: This is your opportunity to provide the kind of support your agents love from you, and see additional sales and profits from those new agents.

**Agent Applications: Grab one at
**Broker Nomination Form: Grab one at
**Rules of the Scholarship Program: Grab one at

Or, call us at 425-392-6914 or email us and we’ll email you all the information!

Click here for a printable version

We want to give away $5000+ in scholarships RIGHT NOW to re-energize our industry!!!!!

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